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Halloween contact lenses!

If you are thinking about using contact lenses to complete your Halloween look…

NOW is the time to act! Cat eyes, zombie eyes, black-out eyes; you name it we can get it!

But remember that even if the contacts do not have a prescription in them, known as plano, you still need a contact lens prescription from an optometrist before you can order them. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a contact lens is a medical device and must be regulated as such. Businesses, even online retailers, are not allowed to sell contact lenses to a consumer unless the person has a valid contact lens prescription from an optometrist.

Any business that sells you contact lenses without a prescription is breaking the law.

Why do I need to see an eye doctor for Halloween contacts?

Contact lenses are placed directly onto your cornea. This is a very important structure on the front of your eye and should always be treated with respect. The contact lens needs to be fit specifically to your eye by an optometrist. Contact lenses are not one-size-fits-all and are available in different parameters.

In addition, it is important for patients to be trained on safe handling of the contact lenses so that they can be inserted and removed without injury to the eye. There also is a right way and a wrong way to care for the lenses and store them. Finally, the wearing time of the contacts need to be addressed so that the cornea can remain healthy.

So when done correctly, the fitting process for the contact lenses can sometimes take a couple weeks. This is why it is important to start the planning process early for your Halloween contact lenses! We want you to keep your eyes safe and healthy and avoid any possible serious complications such as eye infections, ulcers, or at worst, loss of vision.

At Vision Source Mandan, we can get Halloween contact lenses!

Call today to schedule your eye exam and to be fit with the perfect contacts to complete your Halloween costume.


Top image courtesy of Orion Vision Group; bottom image courtesy of Vision Source Mandan. Images are  not to be used without written permission.

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.