Treatments for Dry Eye Disease
A brief description of the Dry Eye Treatment services available at Vision Source Mandan.
If you are concerned that you may have dry eye, call our office to schedule an appointment to find out!
What is Dry Eye?
Dry eye syndrome, or dry eye disease, refers to a breakdown in the quantity or quality of tears to moisten, cleanse and protect the eyes. This is significant because, with each blink, tears protect the surface of the eye, washing away dust and microorganisms. When this protective coating dries up, the eyes may feel “gritty” or burn and can be more sensitive to light. In extreme cases, vision can be blurred or can fluctuate throughout the day.
Dry eye can be a multi-factorial disease, with varying symptoms, varying signs, and varying causes. A thorough examination from your optometrist at Vision Source Mandan can determine the specific problems with your eyes and select the appropriate treatment course. There are many options available including over-the-counter artificial tears, nutritional supplements to encourage gland health, prescription drops to treat dry eye, and more.
What can be done?
There are many treatment options available for dry eye disease including over-the-counter artificial tears, nutritional supplements to encourage gland health, prescription drops to create more of your own tears, and more. Vision Source Mandan does offer the Optase brand of eyedrops in our office, including Dry Eye Intense, MGD Advanced, and HyloNight ointment.
When indicated, we do offer in-house treatments for dry eye at Vision Source Mandan called the BlephEx and the iLux. These two treatment modalities work well when paired together in order to improve the function of the meibomian glands. These glands are crucial for the health and integrity of the tear film. Meibomian gland dysfunction is often a large contributing factor to dry eye disease.
The BlephEx is able to remove the biofilm found on the openings to the meibomian glands, otherwise know as the “water line”. (We compare this to getting the film cleaned off your teeth at the dentist.) It is also able to remove excess bacteria and their bacterial toxins.
The iLux is able to heat the contents of the meibomian glands and then express the meibum from them. When these glands are flowing freely and unobstructed, it results in a better quality tear film. The meibomian glands produce a lipid component of the tears that helps prevent evaporation.

The iLux device.
How can I schedule a dry eye visit?
Call our clinic to be scheduled to see one of the eye doctors to evaluate your dry eye disease symptoms.