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Patient Education

Learn more about different eye conditions, straight from your doctors at Vision Source Mandan.

To learn more about the specific products we offer and conditions we treat, please select one of the subcategories below and schedule an appointment with your eye care provider.

And check out previous issues of the Ask A Professional series by Dr. Brittany Schauer that was featured once a month in the Bismarck Tribune.

  • Pediatric Vision – When should your child have their vision checked?
  • Myopia – Find out what it means to be nearsighted.
  • Hyperopia – While you might think farsightedness is the opposite of nearsightedness, that is not always the case.
  • Astigmatism– A strange word that causes strange effects to your vision.
  • Presbyopia – If you need reading glasses to read this, you know what we are talking about.
  • Amblyopia – A “lazy eye” is more than just a poor work ethic.
  • Strabismus – When your eyes do not look at the same thing.
  • Dry Eye Syndrome – Your eyes should not feel sandy and gritty!
  • Foreign Body – What to do if you get something in your eye.
  • Pink Eye – What to do if you have an eye infection.
  • Retinal Trauma – The retina is one of the most important structures in your eye.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy – Find out why it is so important to keep your body (and your eyes) healthy.
  • Retinal Vasculopathies – Did you know that high blood pressure can affect the inside of your eye?
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration – Learn more about this very common vision problem.
  • Glaucoma – It is often called the “slow silent killer” of vision that leads to blindness.
  • Cataracts – As you age, the world will become less colorful and less sharp because of these.
  • Posterior Vitreous Detachment – A scary masquerade full of floaters that can sometimes lead to bigger issues.
  • Retinal Detachment – Educate yourself on this serious ocular emergency that can be vision-threatening.
  • Retinoblastoma – A potentially fatal condition that every parent should know about.
  • Choroidal Melanoma– One form of cancer that can occur inside the eye.